Mia Mattsson-Mercer Born in 1964, Sweden. Author to three books. Writing a web-column for the Magazine NARA. “That’s Amore” is my catch phrase. Finishing the manuscripts for two different books. Also HomeSchooling Mother. Worked: United States, Germany, Switzerland, Bosnien, Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Bahrain Founder/CEO Animals Without Limits. I am a proud Lyme disease, Child Abuse and Animal Warrior.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Let's Back Up a Little!
It is not that long ago since Olivia was an infant but I don't remember all the diaper changes--amazing how much green poop that comes out from a little persons butt--Me changing clothing's several times a day from all the spit ups, and not to mention three hours sleep a night! But when his blue eyes are looking into my eyes and I sniff his wonderful soft skin, I am in heaven!
That's Amore!
Reason two; Breastfeeding was something I longed to do, bonding and healthy for Max and me. well, I just made it for three weeks--with a lot of problems-- then I had to go into ER the day before Christmas.
For several days I had had high fever and pain in my breast and the milk slowed down to just one tablespoon.
Inflammation in my breasts; Mastitis. With IV penicillin at the ER and antibiotic with me home for several days, I am now on my feet again. Sad though that I cannot continue breastfeeding, but I will have to accept facts even though it has started to become difficult with plenty of peoples harsh questions.
That is not Amore!
Monday, December 17, 2007
A New Animal Activist
A new animal activist is born! We are all doing fine and Max is a wonderful easy infant. Olivia is adjusting to her baby brother and it is not easy. Must be hard, one day you have both parents full attention and next day there is a small little "poop" machine taking up a lot of space.
I want to thank you all for the congratulations you have sent us, that means a lot even if I haven't answered back yet. If I have five minutes over I cannot stop looking at our new addition Mercer. Wow, I can now walk around saying; "my children" it is a fantastic felling. That's Amore!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
A Birthday to the Max
Well, you know the parable: "If you don't think God has a sense of humor, tell Him your plans." Apparently, God had different plans than ours for Maximillian's birth. Instead of waiting until the 13th, he decided he wanted to celebrate his dad's birthday his own way.
At 4:02 pm Central European time, Maximillian came into the world, weighing 6 lbs, 10.2 oz and "standing" 20 1/2 inches (3010 grams/52 cm).
He's a perfect little man, and we adore him.
And, as everyone who we talk to says, "So, he shares his birthday with his dad? How cool is that?!"
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Left Olivia at her Italian school this morning and then drove to my check up appointment at the hospital. Well, we were all surprised when they doctor told me that I am already 4 cm open!
Max heartbeat is wonderful and so are my contractions, hmmm.
Of course I have felt "something" but what can I say....so much to do and so much to prepare.
So out of the hospital, picked up Olivia, home and took care of the four dogs AND packed my hospital bag.
And typical women (most); I folded the laundry, empty the dishwasher, moped and washed the floor. Is that what they call Nesting?
Either tonight, or tomorrow it seems like Max will be introduced to his new parents and sister.
Keep your fingers crossed and I know "Daddy" will let you know what happens.
That's Amore.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Glogg Party
IKEA, wonderful store, had everything I needed for a great Christmas table; gingerbread cookies, julmust (drink), chocolate, salmon, meatballs, mini sausages, herring...well you name it! A christmas tree was bought and decorated, and I even found hyacinths (flowers).
Our home smelled Christmas and with lovely friends, we sang for Todd first Swedish, then German and finished off with American happy birthday song (our Rumanians had to leave early, would have loved to hear Happy Birthday in Rumanian).
Instead of presents we did another tradition. The guests had to bring a bag of dogfood that we later this week donates to a shelter for homeless dogs.
It was very appreciated, both by humans, and I know the dogs will appreciate it too.
That's Amore!
Mahatma Gandhi
--Mahatma Gandhi --
One of my readers sent me this one. Couldn't have said it better myself.