Well, you know the parable: "If you don't think God has a sense of humor, tell Him your plans." Apparently, God had different plans than ours for Maximillian's birth. Instead of waiting until the 13th, he decided he wanted to celebrate his dad's birthday his own way.
At 4:02 pm Central European time, Maximillian came into the world, weighing 6 lbs, 10.2 oz and "standing" 20 1/2 inches (3010 grams/52 cm).
He's a perfect little man, and we adore him.
And, as everyone who we talk to says, "So, he shares his birthday with his dad? How cool is that?!"
He was so ready to meet everyone, huh? Italy sounds like too much fun to stay inside ;-)
Congratulations to all of your family. I know you're so glad to finally hold him in your arms. I hope you are feeling strong and happy.
Love from NC!
Monty sends big sloppy kisses!
My heart fills with joy for you and your family...he is perfect!!!
Patti and the gang
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that is one beautiful baby boy.... I love the picture. He is so lucky to be coming to such a nice family. How is his BIG sister doing?
Congratulations !!!!
We would love to see more of Max.
Sylwia and Family
We are flying over to Germany for Christmas, can't wait to be back in Europe.
Hej kära kära vän som jag saknar oändligt! From the bottom of my heart, I am so happy for you and your whole family. Max is adorable!! Good job Mercers!! Congratulations and blessings.
Ann, Kyle, Oliver, Pippi, and Kid
Åååå...Mia va underbar han är.
Härliga,härliga energier från bilden =)stort grattis och med saknad och kärlek från Milla,Pasha och Jimmie.
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