Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Three Legs or Four Legs

What is done to their body has nothing to do with their soul.

I remember working with dogs that had lots of different reasons to amputate one of their legs. I had one former four-legged soldier that is now a retired three-legged soldier, and he is doing fine having great servants, his family.

One three-legged dog in Sweden was just a little upset that all the kids in his family--four young kids-- just threw off their shoes and let them lay everywere in the hallway. When he came in after a pee round he had a hard time balancing on his three legs where the eight shoes were laying in his way!

When I later told the four kids of this fellow's irritation, they looked with big round eyes and at the same time saying, "ooohhh!"

Their mother called me some weeks later and told me that her nagging for months had not been giving any results, but when their best buddy "Sunny" complained, magic! From that point on, all their shoes were always put nicely together, and when people would come to visit, they would tell them the "Sunny" story about "his" former shoe problem.

That's Amore!

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