Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spay and Neuter

I spoke to Dr.Friz about peoples' views on spay and neuter programs (of course, in other countries too)

"Many people don’t want to have the spay and neuter programs, they have even said, 'What are we going to do when shelters are being torned down?'”
Many people humanize the animals and transpose their own emotions onto the dog. They wouldn’t want to be spayed themselves, so they believe the dogs wouldn’t, either. The problems are more so in a man’s head, its their manhood, after all. Sometimes I ask men how they would feel being close to women you cannot be together with?

“Would that make you feel good?”

Uh, NO!, the man answers. “If you escape and make that woman pregnant, do you think your wife would like that”?

They don’t think about the consequences and I think that is the problem."

miamattsson (c)
Its Amore to take responsibility!

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