Sunday, February 17, 2008

Labour Children of 2008

Sex tourism is throughout the whole world, and is most common in the poor countries where children have to survive day to day. Their youth gone, the time to explore life with children’s eyes are long past.
Plenty of men travel to buy sex from minders in South America—where the law is corrupted. A man who likes to be admired by their innocent, their firm body on top of his own old body.
They tell themselves that the children are older, and that they really love to do what they are doing--they wouldn't do it otherwise, right?
Trafficking is getting more common and many men hire younger girls and boys to have sex with. As an excuse from the buyers—“they want sex or they wouldn’t do it!”
Many men doesn’t want to take any responsibility, their selfish ego are bigger than their conscience. Their fantasies are bigger than trust, felling they are not harming anybody, just helping someone with their love.
I remember a man telling me --he lives half time in Paraguay-- that the young children hanged around him at the restaurant waiting to get his and others leftovers. These children getting their hungry stomach filled to survive another day, where no hope exists, and they would give sex in return. Their parents are gone, abandoned them at a young age, or in some cases, the children has to give their parents the money they earn through selling their body.
This is not Amore!

We who are born in a more "safe" countries—even if there is children who are getting abused in one way or another—there is some safety net—not great but that is because children are easy to manipulate, and not many believe their stories—have difficulty understanding this problem and many times we turn away from this huge problem, it doesn’t concern us. But their we go wrong in our thinking, it does concern us and we can do something about it. You can if you want!

Last week I visited a center for orphans—children of illegal immigrants, prostitutes, a result of incest, and those who have escaped from child labour. I had a talk with the founders, the Luciano family a strong hardworking family.
I will write more about them and my visit, and what YOU can do.
This is Amore!

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