Thursday, January 24, 2008

Uncomfortable to Look at

An upset lady called me after she had listened to a radio program about animals in captivity. The zoo in the program had been taking care of a raccoon and she had babies. She was a big attraction for visitors.

But now she started to lose her fur, and the man said that they would have to put her to sleep. The person that interviewed asked why?
"Well you cannot have ugly or sick animals, people won't like to see that."

A memory: I was in Bosnia and many people adopted handicapped dogs. Amazed, I told them that back home I didn't know anyone who had or kept a handicapped dog (animal). There, such pets would be put down to sleep, many would say that they didn't have a "quality of life."
One man looked at me and then said; "Would you also put your grandma to sleep when/if she became handicapped? Would you also say she wouldn't have a 'quality of life'?"

What is a "quality of life?"

Perhaps it is the ability to still love and be loved?

That would be, "amore".

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