Friday, July 13, 2007

The Hard Side of Life

Along the side of the streets many prostitutes are standing in their skimpy clothing trying to entice customers. There are many, and when it gets dark you can just see something moving along the sides. Suddenly, I realized that I didn’t know if it was homeless dogs or prostitutes out “catting”. It dawned on me how these two species where out there trying to survive, some with more deceases than others. Some of both skinny, and very tired or hungry. When I spoke to some people about these happenings, they said it was much harder to watch homeless dogs than prostitutes.

Many have told me how difficult it is to hear or read of bad things happening to animals or children. It seems that human nature makes it easier consider the actions of “adults” who have put themselves into unsavory situations… it was their free choice. But the fact is that many prostitutes start “in the business” as young teenagers and many times it is not their choice at all. This is also hard to watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right. It's so easy to judge others and the choices they've made, but it's not so easy to realize that maybe these folks never had a choice to begin with. The sex trade grabs its victims at younger and younger ages. Those women (or girls) you saw may actually be the lucky ones, having survived years on the streets by their own wits and strength. I bet many of them, given a realchance, would gladly say goodbye to that life to have a safe "normal" one. The fact that there are so many speaks volumes about how few choices there are for those who find themselves in desperate situations trying to feed their families and themselves with the only currency they think they have. Interestingly, it's women and children who are made to feel this way most often around the world.