Friday, January 8, 2016

Never Let Your Voice be Silent

2016 heart emoticon
Stop telling us women what we are going to do to be not violated. Tell the men instead to stop violate women!
At least 90 women were being harassed and violated New Years eve in Koln, Germany. Kolns Mayoress had after the incident said that women should keep themselves an arms length away from male strangers.
Is it strange that this statement wakes anger and hate among women?(and fear) (info taken from advokat Fritz)
Before New Years eve, in the middle of the day, Olivia (10y) took Chacha our big heavy Cane Corso out for a walk in our little German Village. After only ten minutes Olivia comes running home, scared but thankful.
A group of older boys had come walking towards her. They were laughing, and one said something to her. She didn't understand what they were saying, its was not in English or German or Swedish) The boy was coming closer and tried to grabb her arm! Chacha (our dog) that loves people started to growl and showed them her teeth. Everybody continued to laugh and backed away. 
We never saw them again, and it hasn't happen again...but the main point is that it made Olivia scared in an uncomfortable way. Not like when the boys on the street tees her -- like "normal" boys do in their innocent age.
I remember one event in Sweden, in my neighbourhood. A woman got raped on her way home. The police wrote it off since according to "them" she had had a very short skirt and proably invited the event herself. 
What signals does this give out to the men? (and women)
Never let your voice be silent.....

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