Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Dogs are Cleaning their Energy Fileds Several Times a Day

Hur kan hundar vakna varje morgon och vara i det perfekta nuet 
och alltid vifta glatt på svansen? Mia Mattsson-Mercer skriver om 
hundars energifält, dess aura, i hennes senaste krönika
"Hundarna rensar sina energifält flera gånger om dagen!". 

Läs det fina budskapet hon fick av en gatuhund på Näras hemsida:

My weekly column in Tidningen Nära,
How can dogs wake up every morning and always be in the
perfect flow, tail going happily? 
This week I write about the dogs energy field, aura, how they are cleaning
their energy fields several times a day. 

Read what the wise dog could teach us about aura cleaning on following link

That's Amore heart emoticon

My Biggest Star

 This upcoming week its time for my handsome boy to start first grade and in German school. Im so proud of him. He has the biggest sweetest heart.

When he was born we didn't know if he would survive. It was the worst moment in my life. But he overcame it and has grown to become a strong fine young man. I love spending time together with him, listning to his thoughts about kindness and love.

Like he always says, 'Mom, Love is the Religion in our House'

That's Amore!