We are very protective over our AWL dogs, and with Bruno it is even a little extra.
You can read about Bruno's journey via Tammy to AWL on earlier blogs, and now he has gotten a new owner--we hope--Both Bruno and James will go on a so called 2 week "trial period" together.

It is always difficult to adopt a 'stranger" and also for Bruno, James is a stranger whom we don't know much about, either. So both have to trust each other and do their best.
James, with his friends came out to the AWL Hospice last Sunday to meet Bruno.
James loved Bruno, there is something about Bruno Longheart!
James walked Bruno and he stayed by his side, he and his friends took him home. Some accidents have happened but James and friend Abbi takes it all with peace; they understand that Bruno has never been inside a home before. We suspect he is a former chained dog, it is very common here.
James and his friends do a lot of outdoor activities: hiking, camping, climbing and they love to bring their dogs with them. So I think Bruno will have a blast.
I spoke to James yesterday and he told me Bruno is a fast learner. What made me pleased was to hear that James and Abbi go home for lunch, taking him outside and playing. They have already gone through one soccer ball.
So how about Bruno donations? How about donating your football or soccer ball to the best player in the world. Bruno Longheart!
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