She was breathing heavy at the veterinarian clinic, but that is understandable too. The shelter, as horrible as it is, is her only safety zone she knows of, she doesn't understand the future, only the past.
Now since Thursday she is up on her legs walking and have met the other hospice kids, and it went very well. Calm and easy!
However, her blood test didn't come out great. She is anemic, and her liver test is lousy.
Monday, we have scheduled an x-ray and ultra sound appointment at 16.30 to see how her inner body looks like. If she is full of cancer, we will have to take another direction.

We are not keeping clients that are in pain alive just for the sake of being alive, that is against our beliefs. But we believe in giving one a chance if the there is hope and no undue suffering. Together with experienced veterinarians, we decide what is best for our clients, even if it looks ugly. That's Amore!
Vilken tur att Contessa får den hjälp av dig som hon behöver, även om det visar sig att cancern har spridit sig. Mycket fin bild där hon äntligen får ligga i en egen säng och med kudde dessutom!
Du är toppen Mia och såklart alla som finns runt dig som hjälper våra fyrbenta vänner.
Jag tänker på er!
Kram Maria
Tack fina Maria for de orden. Jg skriver och berattar hur det gick med hennes rontgen 16.30 ikvall.
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