Mia Mattsson-Mercer Born in 1964, Sweden. Author to three books. Writing a web-column for the Magazine NARA. “That’s Amore” is my catch phrase. Finishing the manuscripts for two different books. Also HomeSchooling Mother. Worked: United States, Germany, Switzerland, Bosnien, Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Bahrain Founder/CEO Animals Without Limits. I am a proud Lyme disease, Child Abuse and Animal Warrior.
Friday, January 28, 2011


She let all the dogs at the hospice smell her and then she started to smell around. What a good girl.
She is an old hunting dog that has been on a chain for many years. She has many cuts on her ears.
Found on the streets in the Napoli area among cars, lost and hungry.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

We are very protective over our AWL dogs, and with Bruno it is even a little extra.
You can read about Bruno's journey via Tammy to AWL on earlier blogs, and now he has gotten a new owner--we hope--Both Bruno and James will go on a so called 2 week "trial period" together.

It is always difficult to adopt a 'stranger" and also for Bruno, James is a stranger whom we don't know much about, either. So both have to trust each other and do their best.
James, with his friends came out to the AWL Hospice last Sunday to meet Bruno.
James walked Bruno and he stayed by his side, he and his friends took him home. Some accidents have happened but James and friend Abbi takes it all with peace; they understand that Bruno has never been inside a home before. We suspect he is a former chained dog, it is very common here.
James and his friends do a lot of outdoor activities: hiking, camping, climbing and they love to bring their dogs with them. So I think Bruno will have a blast.
I spoke to James yesterday and he told me Bruno is a fast learner. What made me pleased was to hear that James and Abbi go home for lunch, taking him outside and playing. They have already gone through one soccer ball.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lonely with my kids, already late evening, I asked him to allow me to call him back. I told Pio the story, could he go to the hospice and get Bruno and drive to Dr Damiani's clinic? I would pay!
Pio's partner, Martina, was waiting for him at home. A Friday evening after a long weeks work, dinner would be ready and they would have time to be together with their own dogs. But Pio said he would do it, and he even turned down the money.
I called Martina and told her that Pio would be late and what the reason was. Wonderful Martina said, "Of course he has to go!"
This is such unselfish, beautiful teamwork; no whining, no complaining.
He drove to the hospice, took AWL Bruno on a mission to save the life of another.
Pio, Bruno, Dr. Lungo, Dr Damiani, saved a life last night. That's heartwarming Amore.
I picked up Bruno yesterday from Dr Damiani's clinic, and the little girl Bruno gave blood to will make it.
The poison causes internal organs to break down and leak, an animal dies by internal bleeding. It's a slow and painful death. Dogs should have 45% red blood cells, this little girl had only 11%, she was close to death from the internal bleeding.
It is so beautiful, Bruno was rescued and saved, and now he saved a life. That's Amore!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
When he came home with Bubba to his partner Martina, she fell in love with him right away.
Martina had just recently put her beloved dog, Luce, to sleep because they learned that she was full of cancer. She had become very sick, was in pain, and her quality of life had degraded significantly. Martina gave Luce the best months in her 16-year long life. Luce came to Martina and Pio from one of the shelters were the dogs ever get out. 13 years she had spent behind the bars, on cold damp concrete. And being bullied by her "cell mates"
Martina believes that Luce sent her Bubba, to tell him that he should stay in their home; you will be spoiled and loved. And that is very true.
AWL made sure that Bubba got vaccinations and a health check at Dr Damiani's clinic. It's all amore.

In memorial Luce the great.

Thursday, January 20, 2011
Animals and Children: A GOVERMENTAL SHAME
"An Animoto-created video showing the horrible conditions in a governmental shelter in Campania (Napoli) Italy. Make your voice be heard agai..."
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Not because of lack of families, we actually turned down three different families, because we didn't think the match was great for anyone, two-legged or four-legged.

Eventually, her two remaining siblings got adopted to the same family and left us with our little Gracey Lynn.

And she became an even more beautiful girl, our Gracey Lynn. From a little ball of fur, to a beautiful German Shepherd. So of course we were very picky with a new family. Martina my great animal friend, found a wonderful family up North that had been waiting for one month for Gracey Lynn. What I love about the family's "mom" was that she kept calling Martina asking "When is she coming, when?" When the original plans fell through for Gracey Lynn to go to the family on Christmas Eve, they actually cried.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It has been the most hectic December I ever had had in many years, and this was not about celebrating! Many phone calls about "soon" to be abandoned dogs from persons Pcs ing back home to the States.
People who abandoned their dog(s) that I had to turn in one complaint against their behavior. But AWL is not an Animal Police, please this is not our work, its every ones, you more people that say NO, you faster an animal law can be set up.
Some dogs has been taken cared off, and new home has been found. BUT again, we are not an adoption agency but it is heart breaking when a family doesn't bring their dog with them back home.
In this hectic and chaos moment, there are those who have been wonderful generous with their time to AWL too. Lynn and Trine made our hospice look more "home". Handy Trine brought her tool box and put the curtains up that Lynn had made (donation) It is beautiful that even people that visit think we live there...no no, only doggies.
Thank you Lynn and Trine for making the hospice feel "Home Sweet Home" That's Amore
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I cannot say I got that honor to do that with Contessa, a beautiful long-hair German Shepard between 10-13 years old. But her story touched me, deeply.
Two weeks ago a recieved a message about a German Shepard with an eye problem in a 400 dog shelter, could I help? Well, you who have followed the last bloggings about Contessa knows what I am talking about.

Let me give you a little bit more information about this shelter and the woman behind it, Adrianne. Adrianne has a shelter and the Goverment said to her if she could take some dogs from them when they had caught them on the street she would get finacial help. She did and they gave her 200 dogs and helped her and then the money stopped coming in. She wrote, she called, she visited it was always the same...tomorrow!
She wrote to the Italian newspaper and TV, they came out filmed and interviewed and said..."of course we will help...tomorrow!" Well tomorrow has now been over 2 years old and she has 400 dogs in cages that never come out.
There is nothing wrong with her love for them, but she is walking on her knees, her face is so tired and filled with wrinkles, and still she thanks me a lot.
I introduced Simona and Martina to her shelter and they together with other girls are doing difficult work but doing it great, trying to adopt out dogs.
So, Contessa was in this shelter, a dog that the Government deposited with Adrianna. Her right eye becomes diseased, and starts to swell within the socket, turning this ugly redish-blackish color. Tumor!
Martina asks if we can help, and provide a place for Contessa to recover at the Hospice. That's how I came to know and care for Contessa.
Contessa got her surgery and I picked her up in the evening. I was so proud how after only a few days, she recognized my voice. She followed me as a little puppy and when she wagged her tail, I was so proud over her.

I had warm feelings for her, I could see her beauty and I couldn't wait to get her better, or comfortable and she could walk with me on the grass and lay in the sun a little.
She had been in this shelter on the conrete floor since 2003, I wanted so much more for her.

We did everything according to the book. Made sure she wasn't suffering, blood test, ultra sound, x-ray and an eye specialist. But the Universe wanted somthing else.
The night when I went to the hospice to say good night to all the residents and Contessa, she was curled up by the radiater on a matteress and pillow. She lifted her face when she heard me coming in the stairs, it made me smile. She ate wet food and I petted her gentlely and told her I was proud over her.
The next day she had a bad sezuire that scared me when I saw it. I knew this was a severe one; I could tell from my experience with Cody. She got an veterinarian order for vallium and she slept. Nine hours later, she had another seizure that made her heart stop. Her life stopped suddenly without any warnings or explanations, only sadness.
I know this is my work and having a hospice and sick old clients this will happen. But it doesn't mean I won't feel anything, I do, because I care for them, I love them.
It is not an institution, it is Casa della Amore. The day that I stop crying for these souls, you will have to give me another job, because that is not Amore.
"Contessa, there was something special about you and in my dreams I wanted you to become better and either stay in the hospice forever, or Martina and I we would have found you a wonderful home.
Now you are together with Leo and the others with your rainbow wings. Rest in Peace, dear Contessa. I love you. "
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The last month he slept inside because it was cold and rainy a lot. And Lena had sent him a special wonderful winter coat that he loved. He felt beautiful--since we kept telling him that--and he was toasty warm.
His back legs started to become weaker and one day his back leg seemed paralyzed. He couldn't walk! It broke my heart to see him and Leo who had been a strong man and survived many obstacles didn't want to become lame. You could see how he disliked being pampered like a baby. No, Leo was a Ranger and it was with big resistant I let him go...