Friday, February 26, 2010


Lynn (UK) called me and asked if I could go with her and have a look at Sammy's (Wishbone) eyes. He is a stray that she feeds every day. She even put a collar on him to fool the dog catchers to believe that he has an owner. But people keep stealing his collar! Lynn is an "old fox" and stubborn, and keeps getting him new ones.
He is the sweetest thing, so gentle and polite, and sure enough his eyes are looking "old." AWL will make an appointment for this little fellow to see an eye doctor Tuesday. Keep your paws crossed that he isn't going blind.

Thanks to your donations we can make sure the strays get the medical care they need. That's Amore.

The spring is coming slowly to Napoli, and that means riding lessons on content horses. I have to make sure my children know not to ride on unhappy horses....and it makes me more relaxed than having to interfere with the owners cajole them on how to make their horse "content."

It is wonderful to see children bloom among animals. That's Amore!

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