Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I had a wonderful time holding a course in Animal Communication over a weekend. Of course you cannot learn everything there is to know in that field in a weekend, but the students recieved the foundation and now they have to do some practice. This group and I will meet again for course number 2 in May.

I was very impressed how much the group already knew, I remember when I started 15 years ago when email /Internet wasn't anything we used, the cell phones were like big satelite phones, like walking with a brick in your purse.
Chiropractise was hum bug, meditation was flower power and being a vegetarian was so difficult and many people made fun of you. too.

So, it made my work easier that most of these delegates already meditated. One worked with animal accupuncture, and some had taken a coaching coursea, and chaneling, It was fantastic.

Many think that it is an easy job working with animals, and it is; the difficulty many times is in working with the people (owners). You get a dog client and you and the owner see different things (problems) in the dog's behavior. And sometimes you try to explain for the owner who looks at you the whole time but doesn't really recieve the message. I asked the group how many of them had experienced talking to a person and the person doesn't listen?
Everybody had!
How many have had a conversation where one is explaining and the other one is justifying?

Or, how many are afraid of seeing the true problem and goes around talking baddly about the person they just talked to, so they wont have to look at their own behavior?

But the group was fantastic and fun, they thought me a lot too. We had alot of Amore that weekend.

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