They were in the car when Engla, the daughter said Abbiiii? Her mother turned around and tried to explain when it would be warm, Abby would come and live with them (we are waiting for Abby's passport and that will be done by summertime.) After a couple of minutes the car was warm and Engla shouts "Abbiiii now?"
This family is very thoughtful, too. The toy and blanket Abby is pictured with above, was sent by them. Not only that, they kept the blanket near them before sending it, so it would have their smell on it. So that Abby wouldn't be going to a totally new place when she goes there, she would already have their scent!
Shortly after, she contiuned; "When the clouds go away, the moon goes down, and the sun goes up, thats when Jimmie is happy"
Sometimes children take a pause in their explanation and we adults can cut in quickly and disconnect the natural connection they have with the animals.
Vad fint av dig att skriva. Ungefär 90% av det som Engla pratar handlar om Abby, ser hon ett flygplan så är det Abby som kommer (har sagt att hon ska flyga hit), ser hon en hundleksak så är den till Abby osv osv.
Vad härligt med Olivia, hon är sin mors dotter ;)
Gulliga Engla....vad fint du skrev om Olivia och mig
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