It came to my knowledge that an American (promised to not be more specific) let his dog out before going to the States for a month, the same dog he claims to love. He was moving his family back "home", and at the last minute, he claims, they couldn't take the dog (even though he claims to have made every provision to do so.)
Now he is back from the States, without his family, and says he regrets doing it and wants his dog back.
How many fliers have he made and posted? Zero.
Out searching? Don't know, haven't seen or heard anything.
He got the question why not call us in the emergency? Didn't have our phone number. Why not call someone who did? Didn't want to bother!
For the dogs sake help me find this beautiful dog. For more information read http://www.animalswithoutlimits.blogspot.com/
Like Lupo and Mario's family, there is ALWAYS another option. Pets are a life-time commitment, don't make it if you won't follow through.
Bad choice I hope you will find the dog and the dog will get another family.
We are glad you are telling the story...keep up the great work.
How can you do that to your friend?
I would rather give up my wife :-)
Saddly, it is similar to no-fault divorce... with no lawyers and no court.
All it takes is one party to decide they don't want to be together anymore. Of course, in this case, it is always the human that decides.
The laws here in Italy attempt to address the situation, levying heavy fines for abandoning dogs. Alas, they are hard to enforce, especially if it is an "international" that does the deed.
Will you turn him in?
I am working on finding out what i can do. I am printing out posters to put up. I haven't seen any out there, and he never asked us to help searching.
I have got many very upset e mails...so I hope to be able to do something,
Love Amore
What a B******.he doesnt deserve to have a dog or any animal in his life. how do you leave your pet behind, when you take them in they become your responsibility, no matter the cost. i bet you he just didnt want to pay for it..
Will we ever know the truth? But it is sad that it is always some inocent that has to pay a high price.
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