I totally forgot to update you about Zara, I got an e mail today from a Sengora who asked how it was with Zara. I am so sorry. I have been too occupied with all the different cases and projects.
Zara was indeed poisoned again, although how this time remains a mystery. She hadn't been out of our yard, or off the leash, since her first bout with poisoning.
But poisoned she was, and with a very potent poison at that. Her condition deteriorated very quickly, but we got her to the emergency vet clinic in time, they treated her with a strong "cocktail" of medicines, and sent her home with me. We sequestered her in the dinning room for the first two days, and Todd slept on a mattress pad down there with her the first two nights. After than, she rejoined the pack.
At home, we have had 20 days of vitamin K treatments (which she spits out when she can). First it was 20 tablets a day, then down to 12 for the remainder of the treatment regimen.
She quickly became her old self again. Even for us, the transition from sickly-near death dog to playful puppy again was amazingly fast. We can understand how some might wonder if we are over-dramatizing the situation. Believe me, we are not. Both times, she wasn't too far from death!
Recovery. It is amore good fortune with God looking out for all his creatures.
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