A lot of dead dogs are laying along the motorway. Sometimes you can see a dog that is clearly afraid, standing by the roadside trying to cross over the highway. Always when I see this, it leaves me with tears in my eyes, and my heart pounding so hard in my chest.
One day recently when I came driving where we live--a very busy street--three dogs wanted to cross this street--one managed to come over to the median of the street--small grass strip--The other two started to panic since their "leader" was already away from them. I knew they would make a decision out off stress and get killed. Even though this is a residential area, the drivers pilot their cars, trucks and motorcycles at a high speed, and no one stops to let people cross, much less dogs. At most, they just beep their horns.
I stopped my car and jumped out, shaking with anger. I threw myself out in the street screaming and cursing in Italian--strange how I manage to remember those words, when other "good" words don't lodge in my memory at all--
Now the drivers stopped but not for the dogs. They were all staring at me and in a suprise/shock--who the heck was this tall blonde woman running around screaming in the streets?
Even my landlord came driving from his house--silver Jaguar--He had seen me from his window.
"Maria, Maria!! What is wrong?"
In bad Italian I pointed at the now parked cars and flopping my arms like a Pelikan;"Crazy idiotas broom broom aoi aoi tre belli cani" (translation; crazy idiots drives like hell nearly killing three beautiful dogs.)
He looked at me and I could see his thought; "My God! She is crazy running around because of dogs!!"
Scuza mi, Svedese hormones!
But I would do it again! This for me is my way of Amore... even crazy Amore!
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