Thursday, June 7, 2007

Twisting the Truth

Psychopaths tend to lie over and over again, and they are so convincing that you repeatedly fall for it. Since the psychopath is only concerned with achieving his own desires or satisfaction, he creates a “cocoon of belief” that satisfies his wishes and needs. If you confront him, he would stare at you like you were the one lying and the one being the psychopath. It is therefore many of us can feel, or come to believe, we are mistaken, or that it is our fault.
These people start at an early age to manipulate and contort the truth. Eventually, the victims have been fooled many times and different ways, creating a whole, detached reality we are a part of. It doesn’t mean that we are stupid because we fall for their web of deceit over and over again. My molesters, brilliant ones, started early by brainwashing me, like a cult. It takes years and years to get out of the grip of such a person. It makes it all the more difficult if that person is a parent or someone you know.

In my experience, my molesters had no conscience at all. They were masters of manipulation.
We all go through life and many of us have the inner voice that tells us what will happen if we do this or that. Right and wrong is based on a moral foundation as well as learning through cause and effect. A person who decides to be unfaithful, knows he or she can be caught and lose their spouse, the whole family, and reputation. Even when you lie, your conscience tells you it is morally wrong, and the person being lied to may discover the lie and never trust you again.
Many molesters don’t have the moral fence within their soul to keep them from the unthinkable, and they are so focused on their rush that they don’t think ahead to the non-moral consequences. They never feel guilty even when being caught. When caught, they show remorse only for the situation they find themselves in, not for the acts that brought them to this point. They just become afraid like a little child, and they will fight to hide their actions and weakness by denying it or blaming the persons they harmed. They get a rush out of controlling the person by giving different statements over time. Their charm is like poison, ingesting the confusion into the one that confronts them.
Indeed, the avoidance of and escape from responsibility is another rush they get!

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