Saturday, June 2, 2007

Dog House

I have not forgotten nor have I healed but I am trying to take my power back. Suddenly my old solutions are not working, even less since I have children. It was kind of easier before, or so I thought.
Some wrote to me asked if I felt better since I am still writing on my blog—but you see—I try not to let anyone cut me down so it effects my writing (just spelling). And I have Olivia, for her I have to do my very best, she didn’t ask to be born into this world, so I owe everything to her to try to be a good role model. The mother is the biggest influence to her daughter but also her father, how he is will affect on her choice of boyfriend(s)
He is out painting the doghouse—camouflage.

I got an e mail from a woman that made me smile, “I hope things have worked theirselves out and you have not hung your fallen hero from the nearest tree.” And “We have been married 4 years now and my husband will swear he is a permanent resident of the "dog house." I loved this comment, thank you friend.

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