Friday, September 30, 2011


Many have been asking me to translate my weekly columns for the Swedish Magazine. Here is my first attempt at capturing the nuance as well as the substance of what I write in my native tongue. Enjoy!

To love someone unconditionally is a gift, a wonderful experience where love shines through their eyes and forgives you for everything.
Via street dogs' eyes, I experience a world I would like to enjoy more in my own reality. When I enter the hospice grounds our clients are calm. They are like mini-Buddhists waiting for me, tranquil and calm in their souls.
When I sit down to meditate they put themselves in a half-moon around me. Serenity washes over me, they convey a place of wisdom and grace.
My beloved daughter is 6 years old and you readers have read in many previous columns about her medium capacity. I never talk about the other side, or angels, but I follow her stories.
When we lived in Italy she always talked about “sister Erika” who was with her ​​everywhere and that she lived at the great mountain far away. It was always a security for Olivia.
We have now moved to Germany and new experiences and friends wash over her. One day when I picked her up from the first grade, she was very sad. Comforting, I bended down on my knee and asked what was wrong. "Sister Erika is not with me anymore"
Quietly, I asked her “why not?”
"Sister Erika is helping many others and I do not have her phone number."
When we got home we sat on the floor and I told Olivia that we would call “wireless” with our thoughts. We closed our eyes and after a while, I said some numbers out load. We sat in silence for what seemed like a long glorious moment when I suddenly hear Olivia exclaim, "She's here! Thank you mom you found her phone number!”
Next morning it was a more straight-backed and emboldened little girl walking across the schoolyard with her ​​pink backpack.
Liebe Amore!

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