Saturday, November 13, 2010


I am horrible with adopting away dogs. It's heartbreaking and wonderful at the same time. Scared that something will go wrong, will "he" be loved and taken cared of properly?

Think if they abandon "him"?!

Then I get attached to "him" but my head is trying to tell my heart not to be selfish with my feelings, that "he" now can move on and get a better life. It's bittersweet to say the least!

Today from Venice came Stewart's new "dad' to pick him up. It was wonderful to see them together, how he talked to Stewart. And finally Stewart was in heaven getting all the attention and love he deserves.

The other Great Dane puppy, Morgana went together with him, to meet her new family-- also up north. It was a double good-bye today. Good Luck Stewart and Morgana.

AWL thanks Jenifer of Hotel Agora, who introduced us to the Great Dane family so we could rescue them. She and her husband also sponsored the medical bills for "mom and dad" Great Dane, Boss and Lady.

Martina Ricci, my wonderful animal friend, always there for us and the animals. You helped AWL by contacting SOS Alani rescue organization, and kept organizing the meetings with Stefania.

Stefania of SOS Alani rescue organization, a BIG thank you for such great work, and checking the families up making sure they are trustworthy and worthy of such great dogs, and saving so many beautiful Great Danes. You all are fantastic.

Team effort, that's Amore.


Anonymous said...

64172 Скачать Хлоя ))

Anonymous said...

Hi Mia, so lovely to see the danes grow up and come to good families. I wanted to check out the SOS Alani website but it was all in se habla italiano ;)
any chance they have one in english?