What a roller coaster ride for Bonita, we and her owner Mia in Sweden. But we finally made it!

Finally, after over one year struggling with this lady, we got all the "green" papers for the passport. Bonita, remember her
close-to-death in a
shelter, and we got her out. She spent so much time at different animal clinics and her foster parents David and Linda Bunn took her into their home for a very long time. They really made sure her health and spirit would be better.

Finally all her papers were ready for a passport. A whole year it took! Mia in Gothenburg, Sweden never gave up hope and that perseverance showed us what a great person she is. This past weekend, I flew in Bonita and another dog, "Freckles", and Mia drove down from Gothenburg (a four hour drive) to get her girl. When I walked out of the car carrying Bonita, Mia burst out in tears, sobbing and shaking, and we all hugged each other for joy.

Bonita got to meet her new man, Quinton, a sweet and gentle Pitt bull, and off they went to Bonita's new Paradizzo in Sweden's "second city" of Gothenburg.
And it sure is Paradizzo! Bonita has taken to her new home like a fish to water! We are so happy for you Bonita; your long struggle in a shelter, so close to death, is history. This is Amore.
Thank you Dr. Damiani for all your help and support with Bonita and others. David and Lynn, your support has been exceptional! You helped save a life!. And thanks to my family for making her last month in our home relaxing and comfortable (I sure miss her loud snoring!) and new momma Mia for never giving up on her girl. Lastly, for all the donations that helped Bonita get her health back, and finally into the loving arms of a forever home. We love and thank you all.
That is so wonderful to see Mia, what great work your are doing!
Must be a very special place in heaven for you :)!!
Jag håller med föregående talare! Underbart att läsa! Det ser ut som att två själsfränder äntligen återförenas på bild 1.
Vilket fantastiskt jobb du gör Mia!!!!!
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