She had a puppy in the car that she had just found on the beach trying to suck milk from her dead mother. Many of the beach-front businesses will put poison-laced dog food out on the beach to "control" the stray population. We can only assume that is what happened here, because the lady said the mother had clearly been poisoned, due to the way she looked when found. It was a slow, painful death.
Can you imagine the little one, his tiny stomach knotting from hunger, desperately trying to get the nurishment his instinct tells him should be gotten from his mother? And there she is, her dead teet providing nothing. Simply heartbreaking!


We need help with putting him in a safe place were he can heal and get his wounds looked after. Acid burns are particularly difficult, and can lead to infections if not properly kept clean. Please help us with donations, so Achilles can feel there is hope. Saddly, AWL's Hospice can not take him in because we already have plenty of males, and no room. It's hurting us that already we have to turn down someone that needs us so badly. But with your help, we can still help Achilles. Please help us help Achilles!
Either through PayPal or our Italian account, any donation is very much appreciated.
IT 15Y0316501600000110478130
IW BANK S.p.A.Via Cavriana, 2020134 Milan
Your kind donation would be so much Amore!
Fy fasen vad hemskt! Jag kan inte förstå hur man kan göra något sådant!
Har skickat pengar via pay pal från oss!
(Abbi mår super, vill springa och busa hela tiden, vilket hon ej får ännu för vetrinärerna så det gäller att ha henne under uppsikt till 100%)
Kram Maria
so sad, sincerely hope someone will adopt this pup
Underbara Maria miljoner tack, du e en sadan fin manniska.
Pussa Abby
спс... стараюсь [url=http://tutledy.ru/sovmestimost-s-muzhchinoy/91-sovmestimost-muzhchiny-i-zhenshchiny.html]совместимость мужчины и женщины[/url]
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