Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Internet Problem Again!

This time it was not time block...it was no (block) Internet, again!! Not even an April Fools Day joke!

The Internet went down Friday (of course) but I got the call to the "help desk" right on time. I begged on my "knees" if she could make it a priority since we seem to have the same problem all the time, and it takes more than three days for the Telecom guys to come and fix the problem. And when they do, the problem is always a two (2) minute job up on the street!
"Yes ma'am, I do understand your frustration I will send them an e-mail right away"
"Why not call?", I thought.
Nothing happened, and of course the help desk was closed over the weekend. We pay extra to have someone speak English and Italian, a good thing to pay extra for, so I thought.
Monday, my irritation level was high! I called them at 0930 when they open up.
"Sorry ma'am, I understand your frustration I will send them an e-mail right away."
Is this a joke?
Tuesday....I am so angry when my Italian teacher arrives at my house. My frustration blows up like a ballon, and poor her listening to my Telecom misery (again).
She picks up the phone calls Telecom direct and yes we are top priority clients and no, no complaint has come in. What??!!!
The Telecom operator tells that they will call back us back.
I call the help desk and half screaming--no manors, already like an Italian--
"Ma'am, we don't use the same telephone number that is why "they" cannot see your complaint"
"Ma'am, you have to be patient we need to send an technician since you always have a lot of problems."
Five minutes later my phone rings, my Italian teacher says, "You should have Internet now, they fixed the problem from the Central Computer!"
And here my wonderful Internet is working thanks to an Italian native who can find out the right way to get the best service. (And we don't even pay her for it!)

I called the help desk, that by now was of course on lunch. I left a very bitter message.
So we are paying extra for extra service that are taking three to five days, and you are not even in the system. I call that a bogus system that is then making Telecom get all the dirt.

But at least we have internet, again.

This is not Amore! (But my Italian teacher getting to the bottom of the problem and fixing it... that IS Amore.)

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