Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Two Months Ago

Gosh, how time flies.
This picture was taken at 0600, December 6th, ten hours later Max was born.
Of course, before heading to the hospital, I had to clean the floor! Kath came over and looked after Olivia the whole day.
Last Sunday, the children and I were invited over to our friend's house for brunch. (My husband was in Kosovo). Malte and Sabine had made a wonderful breakfast. I felt like I was coming into a five start hotel were you can chose everything to eat and drink, and to be able to sit down for hours just to eat.
Malte entertained Olivia, and she was so happy, laughing and wrapping him around her finger(s). They looked at the sea, and when we left, Olivia said "Bye bye water."
Max is such a super wonderful boy. He slept the whole time. This ment so much to me (and Olivia). I don't remember the last time I could sit down, relax and eat, at the same time have an adult conversation.
I am so thankful to my (our) friends.
This is grande Amore!


Anonymous said...

Det är inte klokt vad tiden går, att dom små liven redan fyllt 2 månader! Hade också storstädning här innan jag begav mig in till sjukhuset för att föda lilla Engla :)

Låter som ni hade en mysig dag där hos era vänner!

Ha det så bra! Kram Maria

Anonymous said...

soory, missade att fylla i mitt namn IGEN :)

Mother in Action said...

Hej Maria,

Vi bygger varat kvinnligt och fagelaktigt ha ha

Engla, vackert namn.
