I had promised myself to cut down on working, of course Hospice full speed but not rescuing, I need a break. First in the morning I took Boss our Great Dane rescue to go to the ASL dog catching veterinarian clinic to have the microchip ownership changed. It is something that has been on my "to do list" for a long time, but there is always something else coming in between.
My husband was kind to help me lift this 75 kg boy into my SUV. Since Boss has bad hips he doesn't jump, he digs his paws down into the ground and freezes into a heavy statue.
He is a sweet heart in the car, he sits and small talks the whole way. He did great.

Tammy our animal friend has been busy feeding this beautiful lady Husky "Contessa." She is young, wonderful, sweet, good in the car. Tammy took her to LegaPro Animale, and they are keeping her there to be spayed and de wormed. AWL is taking care of the bills, thanks to your donations. We can manage to have her there for 3 days, then she has to be released back on the street if no one can foster or adopt her.

Contessa is a very smart, calm, gentle female. She fell asleep in the car, exhausted after probably being dumped and trying to survive on the streets.

Our favorite veterinarian Dr Gigi. He always has a smile and a calm voice while treating the animals.

Getting ready. Saturday she is being released back on the street if no one can step up and give her a warm bed and a home. She is a fantastic dog, it breaks our hearts.

So I am driving home to take care of our 19 dogs and some yard work. I am ashamed how neglected my own dogs are. They always hear "wait. wait."
Close to our gate I spot a small little dog, running scared, trying to avoid being hit by several cars that are honking angry at this poor thing. I could see the dog was not street smart at all, panicking.
A couple of cars are parked and some guys are standing talking. Now the dog is up by them trying to get some eye contact, but they are ignoring her.
Instead of closing my eyes and ignore it, I jump out. She puts her little head in my hand. No microchip, no collar, no spay tattoo on stomach.
In my SUV and out to LegaPro Animale.
I know how busy they are but they were nice to take her in and have her spayed. Ms Maple will be picked up Monday and if no one can give her a home (foster or forever) we will have to release her back to the streets.
She is young, 1 to 1-1/2 years old, great in the car, I could carry her she said nothing. Great at the vet. Ms Maple is a sweetheart.
Mia, du är enastående! Men det är också viktigt att du inser att du inte räcker till hur långt som helst...Jag vet precis vad du menar när du säger att måste säga till dina egna hundar: "Vänta lite..."; jag har samma dåliga samvete gentemot min egen prinsessa, eftersom världen utanför kallar. Och jag har bara en hund, du har många...Koppla nu av efter bästa förmåga!
Är det långt från Neapel till dit du bor? Om inte, så kommer jag och hälsar på dig i mars 2011.
Jag önskar dig en Supergod Jul och ett Gott Nytt År! Du är en helt enastående människa! Superkramar från Sverige & Karin
Hej igen! Jag skickar ett litet, men välmenande bidrag.
Kram, Karin
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