Mia Mattsson-Mercer Born in 1964, Sweden. Author to three books. Writing a web-column for the Magazine NARA. “That’s Amore” is my catch phrase. Finishing the manuscripts for two different books. Also HomeSchooling Mother. Worked: United States, Germany, Switzerland, Bosnien, Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Bahrain Founder/CEO Animals Without Limits. I am a proud Lyme disease, Child Abuse and Animal Warrior.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Terrible Answer on the Question Why?
The "former" mother Trenor is now pregnant, her attorney have confirmed.
More information, see blog below.
Pride is a Wonderful Thing

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
My Question is still WHY?

Oscar Wilde Quote from Saturday 24th Nov.
"I sort of like the quote about happy children from your blog, but the author of the quote stuck me as a little odd. Perhaps when HE spoke of "happy children", he might have had something a little different in mind?
On his sexuality: Wilde also had numerous sexual encounters with working-class male youths, who were often rent boys .
Nevertheless, Wilde lost no time in returning to his previous pleasures. According to Douglas, Ross "dragged [him] back to homosexual practices" during the summer of 1897, which they spent together in Berneval. After his release, he also wrote the famous poem The Ballad of Reading Gaol . Wilde spent his last years in the Hôtel d'Alsace, now known as L'Hôtel , in Paris, where he was notorious and uninhibited about enjoying the pleasures he had been denied in England. Again according to Douglas, "he was hand in glove with all the little boys on the Boulevard. He never attempted to conceal it." In a letter to Ross, Wilde laments, "Today I bade good-bye, with tears and one kiss, to the beautiful Greek boy. . . he is the nicest boy you ever introduced to me."
His whole life story: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscar_Wilde
Monday, November 26, 2007
Some afternoons when Olivia took her nap I heard children cry. I rushed into her room to discover she was sleeping, deep and sweet. Hmmmm maybe she just cried in her sleep, I thought.
But, sometimes her toys starts to play without anyone in the room, in the middle of the day and her door is open so we can see that no one is in there.
Some nights when Olivia is being put into bed and we are laying next to her reading, she suddenly sits up, looks up at a corner and says, "Baby"
Last night when we all went to bed, we woke up by Christmas songs that started to play from our radio--downstairs. I don't think it was one of our dogs that wanted some Christmas spirit and turned the music on.
It is nice to have a playful spirit in the house and it doesn't seem to bother Olivia or the dogs, they are already found their "friend" to be lovely.
That's amore!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Puerto Rico Dog Slaughter
Remember the article I had on my blog about the dogs that were killed; It was Friday, October 12, 2007 when animal control workers seized dozens of pets from housing projects in the town of Barceloneta, Puerto Rico. They told pet owners their dogs and cats were to be taken to a shelter. But instead, they hurled them from a bridge to their deaths. Upon reading the news about the horrific pet massacre they got to know something else.
Pls watch the video clip. And God bless your help to animals and children.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thanks Giving
We both like to make sure Olivia learns our traditions. Lucky girl, she gets two countries worth of traditions!
Todd had bought a big Turkey....two stuffed Turkeys in the house, one in the oven and one wobbling around (yes I mean myself). Todd was in the kitchen the whole day, and Fabio (one of Todd's colleagues) came over to celebrate with us. At least he eats meat...vegetarian as I am, I went through the mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, and yes, I had "fake" turkey on my plate.
But it was a very nice evening, plenty of good food and great company, I love traditions.
When I picked Olivia up at her school the Italian lady said, "Ah today is American Christmas" Only slightly off-track!
That's Amore!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Black Cats Born with Wrong Color.
Owners to black cats are asked to bring them to an award ceremony-- for people whom have helped to protect the Black Cat.
Thousands black cats are (remember it is a dark number) are killed or abandoned because a myth. According to the Italian Ass in Defense of Animals and Environment, around 7 000 black cats has disappeared in the Lombardy region-- each year.
Why? Many Italians think that when a black cat is crossing their path it is considered bad luck.
There are reports that some Italian motorists are waiting in their car for the black cat to cross the road so they can kill it with their car.
So the organization want to change the image of the black cat. Help changing and fighting peoples superstition, which is according to the organization a huge problem in this country.
Do I have to comment this? Sigh!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Time for Killing
Japan says it needs to kill the animals in order to conduct research on their reproductive and feeding patterns.
The anti-whaling group Greenpeace said its protest ship, Esperanza, was moored just outside Japan's territorial waters and would chase the fleet to the southern ocean. ~CNN~
Many species of whales live in big family oriented groups. When one is being slowly killed the other family members refuse to leave. The whales' grieving songs are the most heart breaking complaints from deep and can be heard miles under water. Why don't we listen?
Friday, November 16, 2007
Hair Cut
Thursday, November 15, 2007
A Day on the Road

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Step Up and Step In
I am so tired of being told that my manuscript about child abuse around the world is a very strong and well written peace, but the publisher or agents doesn't dare to give it out. It is to strong!!
How can the truth be to strong? How can we give up on our children and give the abusers bigger and bigger power? It is absurd.
The children are counting on YOU!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Past Hunts
I wish the astrologer instead had told him to help homeless dogs, that would probably have cured his inner peace!
Selvakumar, 33 years-old marry one dog named Selvi; read the story
Monday, November 12, 2007
Being a Mother
The question "am I doing ok as a mother" will always follow me, and sometimes the thought of "think if Olivia wont like how I am as a mother" when she is older, scares me a little.
So why does this thought pop up in my head?
I read a very interesting article in one mother hood magazine that gave me a good "answer".
I never thought much of how my mother was during my childhood, up till now. I would never get married or have children. I lived for my work with animals, travelling to so many different countries. I guess that fare back in my mind I didn't want a family was because I never liked my own. As a child I was badly abused and there were never any affections. I never heard my parents say that they loved each other, nor did they say anything to me.
But since Olivia came into my (our) life, I cannot think about anything else in my life that would be so affectionate. She is the most important thing to me (us) and several times a day I tell her how much I love her--and I try to show her it too. It is not a hard thing because my feelings are huge for her. She is wonderful towards her dad an me....so warm and beautiful.
This article claimed that it is when you yourself becomes a mother that you start to think about how your own mother was towards you as a child (and adult). Now I understand why I and my mother are having a huge conflict today, things I never thought about before.
I do not argue with her, I do not blame her, but she can feel my heart speaking to her.
When on the phone with her, I tell her all the marvelous things Olivia is progressing with and how great she is a person--I want her to know her grandchild--. My mother tells me; "You are a great mother!"
Well I don't do much, it is Olivia who makes herself wonderful.
Mother says; "I myself wasn't a good mother!"
I cannot answer that, and guilt is being washed over me. I try to say;
"It is not to late to be a good mother"
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Dog Fighting Petition
"Did you know that for the sake of human profit, dogs are trained for dog fighting by being beaten, chained and fed gunpowder, illegal drugs and even live animals -- and sometimes they are not fed at all for long periods of time? In the end, dogs that do not win are either killed or left to die horrific and painful deaths.I can't even imagine what these dogs must go through. Every animal deserves the right to live a cruelty-free life.I just signed a petition to end this horrific practice, and I hope you'll join me in urging the U.S. Congress to support the Federal Dog Protection Act: http://go.care2.com/helpdogs
Friday, November 9, 2007
Selfish Money Makers
The ones working for preventing bad things to animals, children or nature are the ones having less money.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Fighting Spirit for the Animals in Italy
Back in 1999, I went to an animal conference in Sofia, Bulgaria. Two people there inspired me so much that when I got home to Stockholm, I started the foundation Animals without Limits.
From the conference, I remember a petite lady who had enormous energy and inspiration when she spoke to us about the spay and neuter program she had created and ran. Never would I have guessed that I would meet her in person some years later.
This year my family and I moved to Italy and little would I know what had happened to the lady that inspired me so much with her work back in 1999.
I was standing inside an US veterinarian clinic, a woman hands me a paper with three veterinarians that they recommend. My eyes stopped at the name Dr. Fritz. I couldn't believe it, She was local to us, and she was still crusading for the animals! I had to meet her again.
I called her and I hadn't forgot her warm giggling in between her serious work. Her clinic is amazing and her work for the animals is even more amazing. After 24 years with this difficult work, she is still going strong, working tirelessly to help control the dog and cat (over)population. I had the privilege to get a private tour and an interview for an upcoming project of mine.
She is truly the animal's friend, she is fighting with not just the economic side, but also the Parliament and people who don't like her work.
She is having a spay and neuter clinic, kennel, re-adopting stray dogs, and she also rescued four Buffalo males, not to mention the cats, rabbits and ducks.
You can read more about her work and make a donation ... please,
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Heartless Pictures
Some are lucky, some are not. Some get a second chance, some get to heaven too soon and with a starving heart, wondering why?
Friday, November 2, 2007
Silence from People and Animals
Dr Martin Luther King, JR
They caught us, me and another horse, a jacket was put over our eyes and we were led out. We panicked.
We are tied up to a tree. It is hot. The other horses in the pasture are taking off in a panicked gallop. Alarmed feelings of fear are vibrating in the air. A steel object shimmers in the sunlight. Two men are beating us brutally.
It feels like I am present as the scene unfolds. The horse is sending a horrible image, incredible pain from his back. I can see that another horse is lying on the ground, his head hanging down, and blood trickling from his nostrils. His eyes stare out in emptiness. Sitting on the ground is a crying woman. She holds the head of the dead horse in her lap as she rocks back and forth, sobbing.
I open my eyes feeling confused and do not know what to believe. Does the owner know anything about this?
Translation from my first book "Listen when the animal talks." copyrights 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Halloween Celebrations