Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wasp Sanctuary

I found James the Wasp laying on the ground in our living room. His poor little wings were covered in dog hair--well we got 12 dogs--James was exhausted.

Olivia my 10 year old daughter and me, carried him into the kitchen. I have always told my children to respect all kind of creatures, even those who stings.

Olivia got badly stung as a younger child, and was a little scared in the begining handling James. But when she looked at me being gentle and concentrated, her fear started to disolve slowly.

Its interesting and a fun way to get to know an insect better. Olivia came with her horse fence, we made sure to secure it on the sides, so little James wouldn't fall out. Sallad, apple and a honey nut cheerio together with my home made honey juice served via a syringe.

I asked Olivia to do research, (homework) on wasps, and to our surprise, they only live 12-23 days!!! I giggled a little, think if James was ready to die, his days are up. Here we are doing everything to keep him a live.

Yesterday, he started his wings and danced a little for us. Maybe a message!

However, it is an interesting way to learn about someone else.

James Wasp is having his own sunlamp oh....did you know, that bees only can sting ones, but wasps several times! James, you better keep your lower part to yourself. Stay strong Amigo.

That's Amore!

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