Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Anonymous said...

the dogs look happy--I supppose that we are being anthropomorpphic in wanting them out of their cages, to roam the streets and get kiooed--a horrible way to die. But for myself, I would rather be dead than to live ib those cages. You all are doing a WONDERFUL service to the dogs.

Mother in Action said...

Hi Barbara,
I think they are happy beacuse we took them out from their cages. AWL do not want shelters, in my dream world everyone has a wonderful owner, getting their needs fullfiled.
We go into shelters so we can help give the animals a sunny day, and my hope is that someone will see these and adopt them. ALSO if someone is sick I can get veterinarian help.
Thank you for your kind words and your thoughts...me too would not want to be in those cages.