Friday, October 24, 2008

Oscar The Dalmatian

(continuing from October 7th)

Yesterday we found out that Oscar the Dalmatian doesn't have an owner... well we are 99% sure. I was able to locate the microchip, the manufacturer, the sales company all the way down to the pharmacy that sold the microchip. A veterinarian injected the chip and then it is the owner's responsibility to inform ASL with the name and address. Well, it seems like Oscar's owner didn't follow through!

It breaks my heart! Oscar is up for adoption. He is a wonderful goof, gentle with children, great in the house, and just loves to be a family (inside-outside) dog. The Foster Family would love to keep him but they are leaving for Japan, or they would loved to adopt him themselves.

Please give Oscar some last loving years. We think he is between 6-7 years old.

He is an Amore Gentleman!

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